Revelation Materials - Unit I: Five Models of Dulles (and some 21st century questions)

January 29 2006
Unit One---Five Models of Dulles (and some 21st century questions)

I. Doctrine

Prepositional- Traditionalist, NonTraditionalist, Neo-Scholastic, and Fundamentalist
1) Shadal
2) R. Yakov Weinberg
3) Norman Lamm
4) Rav Aharon Lichtenstein
5) Popular outreach literature –codes

William J. Abraham, Divine Inspiration (will be assigned as part of the essay)
(good book that deals with Fundamentalist questions of inerrancy, textual variants, factual errors, not a stenographer, use of language, role of the human)
Idem, Divine Revelation

II. Event and History: "Sacred History and Heritage"

1) Ahad Haam
2) Eliezer Berkovits, God Man and History
3) John Levinson, Sinai And Zion (not on web)
4) Isaac Breuer
5) R. Avigdor Miller
6) R. Irving Bunim

Michael Fishbane, "Revelation and Tradition: Aspects of Inner-Biblical Exegesis" JBL 99:3 (1980)

III. Experience

1) Buber, On Judaism
2) Abraham Joshua Heschel, Heavenly Torah pp. 321- 340; 368-375; 517-537; 475-6
3) Rav Kook

Rifka Horowitz, "Revelation and the Bible in Twentieth Century Jewish Philosophy" Jewish Spirituality Volume II 346-370. (deals with Buber, Rosensweig, Heschel, And Isaac Breuer)

IV. Dialectic

1) Rav Soloveitchik
2) Yeshaya Leibowitz

Van A. Harvey, The Historian and The Believer
(and his retraction article in JAAR- zzz)
Michael Wyschogrod, Body of Faith (actually this work also has elements of 5 and of post-liberalism)

V. New Awareness

1) Franz Rosensweig
2) Emmanuel Levinas, "Revelation in Judaism" “The Pact” (handout)
3) Jose Faur, Homo Mysticus

VI. Symbolic and Post –liberal Is it its own category? Or part of 1, 2 and 3? Why does it negate 4? Or does it?

S.Y. Agnon, Standing at Sinai
Paul Ricouer, Figuring the Sacred
Northrop Frye, The Great Code
Hans Frei, The Eclipse of Biblical Narrative pp

VII Neo- Evangelical- Postmodern

Gabriel Fackre, Doctrine of Revelation adds models 2-3 (required book at UTS) (handouts)

Stanely Grenz, Revisioning Evangelical Theology - adds less of 2-3 but critiques reason
Allister Mcgarth, Passion for Truth: The Intellectual Coherence of Evangelicalism adds 2, 4 and rejects reason
Kern Robert Trembath, Evangelical Theories of Biblical Inspiration adds 5 and accepts reason

Post- liberal and other 21st century orthodoxy positions. Are they their own category? or part of 1, 2, or 4 and 5?
1) Post-Liberal Textuality: George Lindbeck, Nature of Doctrine
2) Post-Liberal Cultural: Kathryn Tanner, Theories of Culture; Jesus, Humanity, and the Trinity
3) Radical Orthodoxy- John Milbank, The Word made Strange, Radical Orthodoxy (Is it part of 5?or of 3 &4 )
4) Resourcement- Henri deLubec, Theology and History; Medieval Exegesis
Steven Kepnes, "Revelation as Torah: From an Existentialist to a Post-Liberal JJTP 10 (2000) 205-237.
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