- Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz
- Date:
Daf Yomi
Venue: Beis Haknesses of North Woodmere
Gemara: - Duration: 40 min
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2 comments Leave a Comment
Author: Gershon Rothstein
<p>The content of the shiur was so good. It is too bad that the quality of the sound was so bad that I had to strain to understand what was being said. I have heard many other YU Torah shiurim where the sound quality was outstanding so I know that it can be done. I hope that you can make an improvement.</p> <p>Thanks very much.</p>
Author: Aryeh Lebowitz
<p>sorry about the quality - the shiur was given four years ago on a non-MP3 recorder and had to be changed into mp3 format. The initial recording lacked clarity. All shiurim I have given in the past year (since YUTorah provided me with a recorder) have much higher sound quality.</p>