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Yeshiva University and Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary presents

Relating to Churban and Galut
Insights into Kinnot and Eicha

Ahavat Yisrael in Divisive Times
The Texts of Tisha B'av: From fellows of the RIETS Bella and Harry Wexner Kollel Elyon and Machon Beren Kollel Elyon

Confronting the Sins of Destruction
Activities for Children and Teens

- Rabbi Yaakov Glasser - "Introduction"
- Rabbi Elchanan Adler - "Insights into Kinah 11: The Eulogy for Yoshiyau Ha"Melech"
- Rabbi Hayyim Angel - "Lamentations: Putting the Mouth Before the Eye"
- Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff - "How to Make This Our Last Tisha B'av"
- Eric Pollak, PsyD and Debra Alper, PhD - "To Feel or Not To Feel? Approaching Distress Through the Lens of Torah and Psychology"
- Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank - "Longing for Redemption and the Purpose of the Messianic Era"
- Collected Tisha B'av Insights from the Students of Yeshiva University and Stern College for Women

Individual Articles download
- Rabbi Yaakov Glasser - "Introduction: Tein li Yavneh vechachameha!"
- Rabbi Yosef Bronstein - "The Loss and Revival of Prophecy in the Thought of Rav Kook"
- Rabbi Joshua Flug - "Tisha B'Av and Birkot HaTorah: Letting the Light of Torah Shine Through"
- Rabbi Meir Goldwicht - "How Do We Move Past Tisha B'Av?"
- Rebbetzin Abby Lerner - "I Betroth You to Me Forever: The Unusual Marriage of Hoshea and What it Teaches Us About Our Relationship with G-d"
- Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein zt"l - "Love and Hate that are not Baseless"
- Rabbi Hershel Reichman - "Tisha B'Av and the Sin of the Meraglim"
- Rabbi Shimon Schenker - "Awaiting the Arrival of Moshiach"

Individual Articles download
- Rabbi Etan Moshe Berman - "Revisionist History: Was there one exile or two?"
- Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg - "Insights of the Rav into the Inuyim of Tisha B'Av"
- Dr. Deena S. Rabinovich - "The Ten Martyrs"
- Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter - "On Changing the Text of Nahem: A Study in Tradition, Truth and Transformation"
- Rabbi Dr. Moshe D. Tendler - "Nachamu Nachamu Ami: Consolation Doubled"
- Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank - "Images of our exile and the purpose of Galut"
Tisha B'av Experiential Program

Individual Articles download
- Rabbi Elchanan Adler - "Tisha B'Av: A Time for Hope in the Face of Sorrow"
- Rabbi Josh Blass - "A Most Unusual Moed"
- Rabbi Joshua Flug - "Fasting on Tisha B'Av When One is Ill"
- Dr. Jill Katz - "The Relationship Between the Jewish People and Yerushalayim: A Historical Account of the First 400 Years"
- Dr. Rona Milch Novick - "Modern Trauma and Ancient Wisdom"
- Rabbi Yehuda Willig - "Rebuilding Ourselves, Rebuilding the World: Lessons from the First Exile"
- Rabbi Benjamin Yudin - "Understanding the Mo'ed of Tisha B'av"

Individual Articles download
- Rabbi Kenneth Brander -"Introduction"
- Rabbi Reuven Brand - "Profiles in Churban"
- Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman - "Tisha B'Av: Mourning and Moed"
- Dr. Steven Fine - "Said Rabbi Shimon: When I went to Rome, There I saw the Menorah..."
- Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner - "Failure to Grieve"
- Rabbi Ramon Widmonte - "Tisha B'Av: Renaissance of Normality"
- Collected Tisha B'Av Insights from YU Community Rebbetzins

Individual Articles download
- Rabbi Etan Moshe Berman - "Tishah b'av: A Day Without Closure"
- Rabbi Yosef Blau - "Kinot Instead of Selichot"
- Rabbi Josh Flug - "Torah Study on Tisha B'Av"
- Rabbi Jesse Horn - "Mourning for Individuals"
- Dr. Jill Katz - "Betar and Aelia Capitolina: Symbols of Jewish Suffering"
- Mrs. Dina Knoll - "Chet HaEgel Revisited"
- Dr. Michelle Levine - "Finding Comfort in Exile"
- Rabbi Yona Reiss - "Bereavement and Consolation"
- Mrs. Shira Smiles - "Tish'a B'Av: Holiday of Distance"
- Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner - "Forging a New Beginning"
- Kinot Insights from Members of the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel of Chicago

Individual Articles download
- Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik z"l - "Tziyon Halo Tish"ali"
- Rabbi Norman Lamm - "Why So Angry, O Lord?"
- Rabbi Azarya Berzon - "Three Moadim or Four?"
- Kinot Insights from Members of the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel of Chicago
- Rabbi Josh Flug - "Does Tisha B"Av Have the Status of a Festival?"
- Mrs. Yael Goldfischer - "Examining the roots of Tish"ah b"Av in Sefer Devarim"
- Rabbi Dr. David Horwitz - "Jeremiah, Hurban, Rambam and the Intellectual Love of God"
- Rabbi Daniel Mann - "Bechi Ldorot"
- Ephraim Meth - "Torah Study on Tisha b Av"
- Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner - "Yachin and Boaz: The Pillars of our Faith"
- Collected Insights from Members of the RIETS Kollel Elyon

Individual Articles download
- Rabbi Reuven Brand - "History Re-actualized"
- Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman - "The Double Kindness: Nichum Aveilim"
- Rabbi Joshua Flug - "Tisha B'Av: A Day of Multiple Perspectives"
- Ms. Estee Goldschmidt - "The Thin Line Between Love and Hatred"
- Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg - "What Mourning Means: Reflections of the Rav on Tisha B'Av"
- Ms. Miriam Krupka - "The Legacy of Yirmiyahu"
- Sarah Medved and Esty Rollhaus - "Megillat Eicha: Catastrophe, Creativity, and Catharsis"
- Dr. David Pelcovitz - "Coping with Loss and Terror: Jewish and Psychological Perspectives"
- Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter - "Tisha B'Av: Some Introductory Thoughts"
- Collected Insights into the Tisha B'av Kinnot