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Side A
(13 shiurim)
Side B
(11 shiurim)
Bava Batra 163A

Learning on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah site is sponsored today by Eric Goldstein to mark the yahrtzeit of his mother Blanche Goldstein z”l, Etta Brana bat Yitzchak and by Nachi & Jennifer Friedman for a refuah shleimah for Shalom Baruch ben Masha & Dovid Aharon ben Esther and in memory of PRZ, Reb Zeilig z"l and Bobby Lola z"l, & Zeidy Benci z”l and Bubby Perla z"l, Yosef Malachi Geudalia HY"D, Ben Zussman HY"D, and Oma Els z"l