Commerce 4 - if you need to buy from a Jew even if ithe price is a "little" higher, what's considered a "little"

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May 09 2021
8min 53s

Series: Daily Shiur


Collections: R' Wasserman Daily Halacha

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    1. Title: peruta
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Lawrence Adler &##44;

      Think you overvalued in you talk today How much is a Peruta?[1] The Peruta was the smallest form of currency in the times of the Mishna and Talmud. It was a copper coin. Its silver worth is the weight of half a barley, which is about .025 grams.[2] Thus, the worth of a Peruta is 0.025 of one gram of silver [1/40th of a gram]. In accordance to the current price of silver [$0.49 cents per gram as of 3rd April 2019[3]] the worth of a Peruta is 1.22 cents or 5 [4.4] Agurot. One must periodically verify anew as to the worth of silver, in order to know the current price of a Peruta.

    2. Title: peruta
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Lawrence Adler &##44;

      Think you overvalued in you talk today How much is a Peruta?[1] The Peruta was the smallest form of currency in the times of the Mishna and Talmud. It was a copper coin. Its silver worth is the weight of half a barley, which is about .025 grams.[2] Thus, the worth of a Peruta is 0.025 of one gram of silver [1/40th of a gram]. In accordance to the current price of silver [$0.49 cents per gram as of 3rd April 2019[3]] the worth of a Peruta is 1.22 cents or 5 [4.4] Agurot. One must periodically verify anew as to the worth of silver, in order to know the current price of a Peruta.

    3. Title: peruta
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Lawrence Adler &##44;

      Think you overvalued in you talk today How much is a Peruta?[1] The Peruta was the smallest form of currency in the times of the Mishna and Talmud. It was a copper coin. Its silver worth is the weight of half a barley, which is about .025 grams.[2] Thus, the worth of a Peruta is 0.025 of one gram of silver [1/40th of a gram]. In accordance to the current price of silver [$0.49 cents per gram as of 3rd April 2019[3]] the worth of a Peruta is 1.22 cents or 5 [4.4] Agurot. One must periodically verify anew as to the worth of silver, in order to know the current price of a Peruta.

    4. Title:
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Teacher Reply &##44;

      VGhhbmsgeW91Lg0KWW91IGFyZSAxMDAlIGNvcnJlY3QuDQoNCkkgYWN0dWFsbHkgaGFkIHRoaXMg YXMgYSBmb290bm90ZSBpbiBteSBib29rIE1ha2luZyBpdCBXb3JrOg0KDQrigJxBY2NvcmRpbmcg dG8gUmF2IENoYWltIE5h4oCZZWjigJlzIFNoaXVyZWkgVG9yYWggKHAuIDI3NyksIGEgcHJ1dGFo IGlzIGVxdWFsIHRvIHRoZSB2YWx1ZSBvZiAxLzQwdGggb2YgYSBncmFtIG9mIHB1cmUgc2lsdmVy LiBCYXNlZCBvbiB0aGUgcHJpY2Ugb2Ygc2lsdmVyIGluIDIwMTUsIGEgcHJ1dGFoIHdvdWxkIGJl IGVxdWFsIHRvIGFwcHJveGltYXRlbHkgMS4zMCBjZW50cy7igJ0NCg0K