Yoma Daf 51

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June 01 2021
23min 12s

Series: Daf Yomi


Collections: R' Herman Daf Yomi Yoma

References: Yoma: 51a Yoma: 51b  

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    1. Title: General
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Jonathan Shelper &##44;

      Hi Rav Herman, just to say thanks. Am a wannabe Jew and have been doing Daf yomi with for a while. The dad Toma 53a that explains from where it is derived from that you walk backwards from a holy place reminded me of man from India who ran backwards west coast to east coast and on Daf 57b where it discussed if it possible to tieth wine retroactively reminded me of this larrel and hardy bit: https://youtu.be/Aj8uw71Pf4w not to mention all the other great chidusim every day. B'hatzlacha.

    2. Title: General
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Jonathan Shelper &##44;

      Hi Rav Herman, just to say thanks. Am a wannabe Jew and have been doing Daf yomi with for a while. The dad Toma 53a that explains from where it is derived from that you walk backwards from a holy place reminded me of man from India who ran backwards west coast to east coast and on Daf 57b where it discussed if it possible to tieth wine retroactively reminded me of this larrel and hardy bit: https://youtu.be/Aj8uw71Pf4w not to mention all the other great chidusim every day. B'hatzlacha.

    3. Title: General
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Jonathan Shelper &##44;

      Hi Rav Herman, just to say thanks. Am a wannabe Jew and have been doing Daf yomi with for a while. The dad Toma 53a that explains from where it is derived from that you walk backwards from a holy place reminded me of man from India who ran backwards west coast to east coast and on Daf 57b where it discussed if it possible to tieth wine retroactively reminded me of this larrel and hardy bit: https://youtu.be/Aj8uw71Pf4w not to mention all the other great chidusim every day. B'hatzlacha.

    4. Title:
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Teacher Reply &##44;

      Thanks very much for the kind words!

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