- Rabbi Ari Shvat (Chwat)
- Date:
- Duration: 40 min
Very often even the most motivated & religious feel a lack of enthusiasm to learn Torah or wake up for shul. Similarly, Post-Modernism poses a great challenge for religion. A culture which is based on democracy & freedom, is skeptical about truth, is over-run with "Fake-News", and stresses myself and my "self-awareness" seems like an inevitable threat to Judaism. Rav Kook was a century ahead of his time, and directs us practically how Post-Modernism is meant to be used to our advantage, and help us rise to a new level of spirituality where we do mitzvot out of identification rather than peer pressure. This is the solution to strengthen our motivation whenever it weakens! Also, if looking for "My" Torah, when can one disagree with his rabbi?
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