Bishul Akum 3 - Food That's not Fit for a King's Table 2, What Constitutes Bishul

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June 16 2022
1h 1min 11s

Series: Daily Shiur

Venue: YU Wilf Campus YU Wilf Campus


Collections: R' Koenigsberg June Zman 2022 - Ma'achalei Akum

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    1. Title: Thank you and notes
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : ari kami &##44;

      Hi I am studying for smicha and your shiurim are great reviews to listen to when I drive and walk. It really helps and I like that you have other sources that I don't have access to included in your shiurim. In each shiur, such as the pas yisrael and bishul yisroel, you mention a packet of the sources. Is there a way to get a copy of the sources without being part of YU? Or if I know someone in YU is there a way for them to download it online for me? In the Bishul Yisroel you spoke about sushi and how it could make salmon and tuna not need to be bishul yisroel. No one mentioned anything about the new trend of raw fish that will become more mainstream in a few years. There is a hawaiian dish which has a grain base like rice or quinoa. They then put different salad type options, cucumbers, carrots, onions, seaweed salad, etc... which is then topped with diced raw fish. This a poke bowl which I have been seeing more and more in sushi restaurants, dairy restaurants, and even in krogers out of state when I visited different jewish communities. Just something to add to the normality of eating raw fish these days. There was something I wanted to point out from one of your shiurim that i don't remember right now, maybe I will later.

    2. Title: Thank you and notes
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : ari kami &##44;

      Hi I am studying for smicha and your shiurim are great reviews to listen to when I drive and walk. It really helps and I like that you have other sources that I don't have access to included in your shiurim. In each shiur, such as the pas yisrael and bishul yisroel, you mention a packet of the sources. Is there a way to get a copy of the sources without being part of YU? Or if I know someone in YU is there a way for them to download it online for me? In the Bishul Yisroel you spoke about sushi and how it could make salmon and tuna not need to be bishul yisroel. No one mentioned anything about the new trend of raw fish that will become more mainstream in a few years. There is a hawaiian dish which has a grain base like rice or quinoa. They then put different salad type options, cucumbers, carrots, onions, seaweed salad, etc... which is then topped with diced raw fish. This a poke bowl which I have been seeing more and more in sushi restaurants, dairy restaurants, and even in krogers out of state when I visited different jewish communities. Just something to add to the normality of eating raw fish these days. There was something I wanted to point out from one of your shiurim that i don't remember right now, maybe I will later.