Al Hageulah Ve'al Hatemurah pg. 139: Don't go to Kotel. Pg. 145: men and women together. Shabbat desecration. Response: Great things resulted. Satmar: People go up onto Temple Mount. Response: Why we should go up today. Kotel digs. Response: They're done well. Satmar Chassidim go to Kotel. Neologs in Hungary. Pg. 164: Ma'arat Hamakhpelah and Kever Rachel: forbidden. Kever Rachel: harmful. Earthquake in Meron as punishment. Final remarks of Satmar Rav. Rabbis and books that attacked Al Hageulah. Yom Kippur War. Beginning of Gush Emunim. Barukh Goldstein's sister. The Rav on Robinson Crusoe and the gomlim concept. Goldwater Rule. Satmar Rav-Kastner: the psychology. Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe and the 6 Day War. Encyclopedia Judaica. The stroke.
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