When was a kipah in Germany not worn? Satmar not totally Rebbe oriented as in Lubavitch. Satmar Kollel in Kiryat Yoel had attendees with minimal interest in Torah. Walking away from Judaism. Examples of Satmar Chasidim becoming more mainstream, less extreme, in attitudes and behavior. Why? Rebbetzin Faige Teitelbaum's unique role. Bikur Cholim. Satmar goon squad. R' Soloveitchik's illness. R' Yoel's illness. Why R' Yosef Breuer succeeded. Possible successors to Satmar Rav. Helicopters. R' Yoel's funeral. R' Moshe Teitelbaum, nephew, becomes Rebbe. His inauguration. R' Moshe's eldest son R' Aharon was married to a Hebrew speaking Beis Yaakov graduate. Is he a closet Zionist? Will R' Zalman or R' Aharon succeed their father R' Moshe?
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