There are 3 stages in life but a teacher must not let this reality affect his teaching. Chassid in half-way house. R' Meir Kahane. Unusual case where nose surgery failed is not relevant. R' Ovadiah Yosef's unique ability. Chatam Sofer, YO"D, responsum 175: We cannot rely on what non-Jewish doctors tell us where there are halakhic implications: case of woman's internal bleeding. R' M. Klein, non-Jewish doctors: Exception is where truth will eventually be known. Danger is not always an issue. Nose operation may lead to the woman marrying. Ingrid Bergman compared to the present. Aishet Chayil. Repairing physical defects in a priest. Is a nose operation for a man forbidden because this is "dressing" like a woman? Dying a beard. Electric razors.
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