R' Druckman's kipah. Stick of gum leads to romance. Satmar: State of Israel not Land of Israel? 7 berakhot. Zakein Mamrei. Balancing Hebrew and English. Satmar Rebbe, Chabad, Palm Springs. Now, not a refutation of Satmar but rather how a Torah Jew should think. Yosef & His Brothers by R' Soloveitchik. Changes are coming: Prepare. Pre-WW2, some ran, others didn't. R' Shach's criticism of this derashah. Oven of Akhnai. R' Revel expands the Yeshiva College curriculum. R' Lichtenstein: Meah Shearim vs. N. Tel Aviv. Hesped for R' Grodzinski by R' Soloveitchik. The Rav changed his mind because of events. R' Rakeffet applied the halakhot of agunot to the unmarried Israeli MIAs in order for the IDF to decide if they are still alive. Yonah Baumel.
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