Belief pre-1948 that State of Israel is impossible. The miracles listed in Kol Dodi Dofek by Rav Soloveitchik: 1. State of Israel exists 2. A successful army exists 3. The theology of the Church refuted 4. Assimilation dramatically decreased 5. Killing Jews now has repercussions on the murderers 6. Every Jew in the world has a country of refuge. Why the precursors to Herzl all failed. First Zionist Conference, Basel 1897. Theodore Herzl: A Biography by Alex Bein. David Wolffsohn & Herzl's cigar. Nordau tells Herzl he is not mentally ill. Spread of Zionist idea after the Congress. Herzl in St. Petersburg. Herzl in Vilna: His reception was overwhelmingly supportive. The "Egyptian" Moshe Rabbeinu succeeded, similarly Herzl. Nathan Birnbaum.
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