Gluten-free Matzoh: The Unbreakable Chain of Mesorah

Ask speaker
March 19 2023
29min 32s

Series: Contemporary Halacha

Venue: Aish Kodesh (Woodmere, NY) Aish Kodesh (Woodmere, NY)


References: Pesachim: 35a  

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    1. Title: Renewing a masoret
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Y. Langermann &##44;

      במחילה You can renew a masoret if it remains among some Jewish communities. See the book מזון כשר מן החי Some species of birds were readmitted into kashrut when Rav Yosaf Qafih from Yemen (I attended hus shiurim for twenty years) testified before the Beis Dinnthat they are kosher and the masoret remains among th eYemenites. Thank you for your shiur!

    2. Title: Renewing a masoret
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Y. Langermann &##44;

      במחילה You can renew a masoret if it remains among some Jewish communities. See the book מזון כשר מן החי Some species of birds were readmitted into kashrut when Rav Yosaf Qafih from Yemen (I attended hus shiurim for twenty years) testified before the Beis Dinnthat they are kosher and the masoret remains among th eYemenites. Thank you for your shiur!

    3. Title: Renewing a masoret
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Y. Langermann &##44;

      במחילה You can renew a masoret if it remains among some Jewish communities. See the book מזון כשר מן החי Some species of birds were readmitted into kashrut when Rav Yosaf Qafih from Yemen (I attended hus shiurim for twenty years) testified before the Beis Dinnthat they are kosher and the masoret remains among th eYemenites. Thank you for your shiur!

    Learning on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah site is sponsored today by Eric Goldstein in loving memory of his father Louis Goldstein, Yehudah Leib ben Nattan Noteh and by the Goldberg and Mernick Families to mark the yahrzeit of Samuel M. Goldberg, R’ Shmuel Meir ben R’ Eliyahu HaCohen z”l and by Francine Lashinsky and Dr. Alexander and Meryl Weingarten in memory of Samuel Wininger, Yisachar Hersch ben Menachem Mendel, z"l on the occasion of his yahrzeit on Sivan 3 and in honor of their children, Mark, Michael, Julie, Marnie and Michelle, and in honor of Agam bat Meirav Berger and all of the other hostages and the chayalim