- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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What are the two types of bereira? When do we say that bereira applies? What is tefusos ha'bayis? Why does a husband inherit his deceased wife, and is it biblical? Does a wife inherit her husband? What are the two types of bechor beheima? What is the difference between reciting kidush on shabbos versus on yom tov? Is there a mitzva today to be mekadesh a bechor beheima? How does a partnership with a gentile impact the laws of bechor beheima? How many kinyanim are performed when selling chametz to a gentile and why? Is there m'eila by kadshim kalim? Why was R Meri named after his mother? Is a fetus a davar shelo ba l'olam? Should one sell Eretz Yisrael for shemita purposes? Chumash-Emor- How do Pesach and Chag Hamatzos differ?
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