Founding of State. Eishet Chayil. R' David Bachrach. Be proud. Woman president of shul. TV series. Kashering hotels. Mishneh Halachot 13:120. Kaparah and teshuvah for eating in restaurant where treifot were found. Schmulka Bernstein. Cheese produced as regular kosher & then sold as mehadrin. Osem cakes for Pesach had problem. Velveeta cheese. Imperative to form kashrut organization that pays mashgichim directly. Lower Merion: non-kosher wine. The 3 events that so impacted on R' Rakeffet. Rabad's explanation of impact of death of Rav on Shmuel. Neturei Karta is so important for Mizrahi's spiritual well-being. Herzl article. Hat given to R' Klausner. The supreme importance of continuity in masoret in the story the Rav told. R' Klein agrees.
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