- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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Is there m'eila by bechor beheima tehorah? Can one play with one's bechor before pidyon haben? Can one be podeh a expensive chamor on a cheap seh? Why is pidyon peter chamor so rare? How can one use one seh to be podeh many chamors? Does shevet Levi join the army? Can a non Levi join shevet Levi? Can one remove from a kohen, money that he grabbed after someone redeemed a safek peter chamor? Why do we not count two days during sefira, because of safek yoma, in the diaspora? Why do we not refrain from melacha for two days of safek Yom Kipur? Do we learn a mitzvah l'doros from a ho'raas sha'ah? Haftorah-Machar Chodesh: Why is there not a special haftorah when Yom Tov falls on Sunday? How does this haftorah give us faith that mashiach will come
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