How do bechor beheima tehora and bechor beheima temeia differ? Which two karbanos do not require pidyon when becoming baalei mum? Does a kohen keep the money used to redeem a safek bechor, if he grabbed it from the owner, and why? If a live cow is bechezkas issur, why can one drink its milk? If a donkey gives birth to a cow, can one use the cow's hide to write a sefer torah? Is eating human flesh biblically prohibited? Can an adult drink human milk? What is the status of milk after the curds are removed? What is the status of meat placed in honey? When can one marry a woman who recently gave birth? Can one eat enzymatically modified kitniyos? Chumash-Behaalosecha- Why do we remember Miriam's sin? What is unique about Moshe's prophesy?
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