- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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Shiur given on a bus in Frankfurt. During the Baalei Hatosfos, give examples of minhagei Rhinus versus Estereich. Should kohanim duchan in Israel by mincha of a fast day? Why did they duchan in Frankfurt by n'eila? How did they blow shofar in Frankfurt? How was the minhag in Frankfurt by megilas Esther like sefardim? What were some of the midos chasidos of the Shalah? What are some of the examples in the Shulchan Aruch where the Maharam of Rothenberg advises how fulfil two opinions? Does one recite shehecheyanu on the second night of Rosh Hashana? When does one say pitum haketores? How did historical books classify the Pnei Yehoshua and R Yonasan Eibshutz regarding pilpul and psak? Which leniency got the Pnei Yehoshua fired in Frankfurt?
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