Why does Purim have it's own masechta while Chanukah does not? What did Moshe decree and what did Ezra decree regarding laining the torah? Can one lain less than ten pasukim? Is the word pronounced zecher or zeicher? Is a five pasuk aliyah more mehudar than a four pasuk aliyah? Why is an aliya a minimum of three pasukim? Does one need to sanctify a bechor b'heima t'horah? Can one break up a pasuk or parsha of the torah? Why are biblical drashos not included in taryag mitzvos? Is the daily requirement of remembering yetzias Mitzraim part of taryag? What is biblically part of keriyas shema? Why does Hashem refer to Himself in shema, as the One who took us out of Mitzraim but not as the creator of the world? How does one lain Ha'azinu on a weekday? When is tefila biblical? When was having a ba'al koreh insituted? Who wrote the last eight pasukim of the torah? Why can a person sitting shiva listen to keriyas hatorah? Chumah Bereishis- Why did Hashem create Chava from Adam's rib? Why is there antisemitism in the world? Does learning torah help win battles? Should one pray for peace?
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