Ben Zussman, הי"ד. Soldiers left money for Shabbat wine. Noda Beyehuda & the son-in-law responsum. The Gra's חרם on Chassidut. The Chassidic Rebbe as an intermediary with God. Comparison to the Mishkan. Rebbe prays for his chassid. The supernatural in Chassidut is playing with fire. Litvish world became Chassidic. Moreh Nevuchim vs. Mishneh Torah. Sleeping minimally. Time spent on secular studies can reduce time spent on Torah. When teaching Gemara to young students, never skip anything. Interaction of Haskalah & the Gra. Haskalah in Germany vs. E. Europe. Haskalah initially, in effect, blinded people. It did some good. Rav Shach. Study of science vs. liberal arts. Torah & science, like a wife & a mistress. Story of the Gra's dreaming of Torah insights he temporarily forgot. The Rav's story about someone who saw the Gra. How students walked with the Gra. The Gra's eulogy for his wife. R' Chaim of Volozhin made the Gra famous. The Gra did not teach classes. How to write a rabbi's name in scholarship. Visiting the Gra: Father vs. his son. Chazon Ish also never taught but did publish books. The Gra's status as a rishon. How students as individuals got the Gra to in-effect teach them.
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