Why did the Chashmonaim start a war, if they were certain to lose, without a miracle occurring? Was Matisyahu a mashuach milchama? In which war is there a mashuach milchama? Was Matisyahu or Yochanan the kohen gadol? How should one wish another a "lechayim" when drinking liquor? Was it proper for the Chashmonaim to assume the malchus? How can one appoint a mashuach milchama without using shemen hamishcha? What are the differences between a mashuach milchama and a kohen gadol? What is the difference between kavod and morah? Who appointed Yehoshua as a king? Can a beis din sanctify the month without the presence of a sanhedrin? How can we recite the first bracha on neiros Chanukah, if Hashem didn't command us to light? What is the source of fulfilling kavod habriyos? Why will there be thirteen gates entering Jerusalem? When does the sanhedrin hagadol paskin shailos? Why does Hashem love rabbinic laws? Is it bitul torah to study rabbinic laws, instead of biblical laws? Can one pray for a miracle?
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