- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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Who were the minim? Why does science not contradict Jewish law? When during bayis shenei did the tzedukim gain power? How do we know that tefillin should be square and black? Where was the tzitz placed on the head? What violation is violated if praying with men and women sitting together? Do Jewish minhagim become stale? Can one coat tefillin with gold? Which acharon refused to forgive the Sha'agas Aryeh? Does one need to place one's sleeve over the tefilah shel yad? Can one ask an angel for a blessing? Why was chelvona added to the ketores? Why are we not blowing chatzotzros during the current Israeli war? Are we supposed to pray for a ceasefire? When do we say baruch dayan ha'emes with shem and malchus? Is baruch dayan ha'emes said with joy? Is it proper to explain mitzvos with logical reasons? Why do we send away the mother bird before taking it's chicks? Chumash-MIshpatim: When does the Rambam count two negative commandments from one written prohibition?
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