- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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Is marrying a gentile woman/man a biblical offense? What is its punishment? In which month will milchamos Gog and Magog occur? In which month will the resurrection of the dead occur? How does Targum Unkelos describe the sin of Reuven and Bilhah? Does Hashem show favoritism? Which haftorah was never read in Lithuania? Should one study the big bang theory? How was it possible for the Jewish people to sin with the golden calf? Were zachor and shamor the only differences between the two luchos? Who instructed us to have a keri and kesiv? Is temple mount holy today? Is kedushas beis keneses biblical or rabbinic? Does the office minyan room without a sefer torah have kedushas beis keneses? How did the Nitziv and the Chazon Ish purchase their Israeli esrog in a shiviis year? How does a mikdash m'at differ from the beis hamikdash? Is a shul more holy than a beis midrash?
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