- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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What are the three types of ohel by tumah? Do we apply the rule of lavud by ohel of tumah? Can a metal large utensil block tumah? If a dead person is in cargo on a plane, can a kohen be a passenger? Can an aluminum pot become tameh? What is the status of a moving ohel? Should a funeral procession drive on the lower level of the GWB? How long does a rakik need to be by the opening, in order to prevent tumah from traveling to the next room? How long does a mattress need to be on the floor of a succah, in order to bring the roof within 20 amos? Define goses? With which person, can a kohen not be in the same room? Can a person be a goses for more than three days? On which arm does a man place his tefillin, after having a stroke? How do a get pashut and get mekushar differ? Is a synagogue holier than a beis midrash? Chumash-Shemini: Which laws did Hashem teach Moshe using the word-zeh? Is the daled of the shel rosh strap a letter, or a image of a letter? Why is there more than one malkus on certain sheratzim? How should one tie the tefillin straps?
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