The lessons of both the Sabbath and the Festivals are equally essential to the faith of the Jew. The Sabbath bears testimony that God created heaven and earth; the Festivals, which recall the miracles of the Exodus, testify that God controls nature and can change it at will. Both concepts are fundamental.
It is heretical to think that God created the universe, but then "stepped back" and left it to the unfettered laws of nature or to the control of angels or constellations. Likewise, it is heretical to believe that the world came into being somehow by natural means, but that God began to rule it thereafter (R' Moshe Feinstein).
Shabbos, like the Festivals, may also serve as a זכר ליציאת מצרים (Ramban, quoted by the Tur) in that the Exodus showed that Hashem is both an Eloka Kadmon and also Mechadesh and can do whatever he wants just like he had done in creation were Hashem, as the Mashgiach and Boreh, created the world.
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