- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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Define yachid and rabim in regards to charity, oaths, and nedarim? How can a girl be a orphan while her father is alive? Define meisis and mediach. How was Yehoshua fooled? When can a worker quit mid work? Can a rebbi quit mid semester? How can one make something hefker? Define public owned. Was the kohen who burned the red heifer totally tahor? When can kohanim eat trumah? Can humans be as holy as Hashem? Does the torah quote individuals verbatim? Are shemita fruits hefker on their own? Can a person violate bal yeraeh chametz on someone else's chametz or on chametz shel hefker? Can one be podeh the birds of a metzorah? What are the four types of ribis?
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