R' Menashe Klein: Mishneh Halakhot 13:150-153: How to Bring Russian Jews in Moscow Closer to Torah and Mitzvot. The Danger of Relying on Emotion in Making Decisions. An Evaluation of Conversion-גרות. The Greater Importance of Chukim over Mishpatim.

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June 02 2024
1h 38min 28s


Lighting Shabbat נרות before plag. Rabbis should've encouraged aliyah in 1884. Religious status in Israel much improved since 1969. Chilul Hashem in Charedi world. Mishneh Halachot 13:150: Efforts to bring Jews in the former Soviet Union closer to Torah & Mitzvot. Noticeable success between 1981 & 1985. In 1990s Chabad dominated Leningrad. In Moscow there was a noticeable Litvish presence. Putin. זרע בית ישראל concept. 13:151: Emotion must not be a factor or play a role in policy decisions & efforts. Reform rabbi on Amalek & sacrifices. King Saul & Agag shows the danger of emotion when making decisions. Langer case. Helen Seidman case. Russian aliyah: Encourage conversions. Yevamot 47b: קשה גרים לישראל כספחת. Converts can be better Jews than those born Jewish. Writing down on Shabbat shiurim given on Shabbat in Kamenitz. Professor Carmi Horowitz & writings of Prof. Isadore Twersky. 13:153: Using Mishneh Torah to find Talmudic sources. Mishneh Torah, Me'ilah 8:8: An intense presentation of how to relate to chukim & their greater importance over mishpatim. Reach out with Mishneh Torah first. Moreh Nevuchim will come later. P.M. Begin. The way to bring Charedim into the IDF.

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