Volozhin Yeshiva. A Moving Description of the More Emotional Aspects of the Members of the Yeshiva Discussed Along With a Description of Bialik in the Yeshiva. Camaraderie and Kinship But Also Machloket and Romance. Abba Blusher's Memoir as a Source.

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June 03 2024
1h 46min 8s

Venue: YU Israel YU Israel


Collections: R' Rakeffet Jewish History Fall 2023


Hovevei Zion Kattowitz Conference of 1884. Intense Torah learning in Sochatchov. אבא בלושר memoir. Percent of Volozhin students who were maskilim. Blusher Library in Kovno. Infighting in Volozhin over succession. Russian government's plans for Volozhin. Who succeeds Netziv? Students wanted R' Chaim. Infighting was intense & frightened the Russian government. Bialik's letter supporting Netziv. Description of the students during Bialik's emotional departure from Volozhin. Volozhin student falls in love with the daughter of the family renting him a room & marries her despite opposition. Bialik approved. The way yeshiva and non-yeshiva studies combined in the city of Volozhin attracted Bialik. Graetz vs. R' Yitzhak Isaac Halevy Rabinowitz on writing Jewish history. His major work, Dorot Rishonim. His influence on the nature of Agudah. What if Rav Kook had helped form Agudah? Why mussar was banned in Volozhin. Can we answer the question of what Bialik really believed about the yeshiva world? He was shomer Shabbat. His oneg Shabbat. Description of 24/7 Torah studies in Volozhin. Comparison of the demeanor of R' Chaim vs. Netziv. The camaraderie and kinship within Volozhin. Arnie Rund.

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