Is Teaching Torah in Hebrew or Yiddish Preferable to English? Mishneh Halachot 13: 150-163. The Lesson Learned From Moshe Rabbenu's Trumpets. Relating to, Evaluating, and Appreciating the IDF of Today, NOT of Decades Ago from a Torah Perspective.

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September 08 2024
1h 51min 12s


Yakir Taitelbaum, hy"d. ArtScroll: pros & cons. In what language should Torah be taught to individuals who don't know Hebrew? Nechama Leibowitz: Only Hebrew. Why R' Rakeffet strongly disagrees. The Rav told Dr. Belkin to teach only in English, not Yiddish. R' Kotler: Only Yiddish. R' Silver: English is okay. R' Rakeffet's experiences with Yiddish. Menachot 28a: All utensils in the Mishkan may be passed down but trumpets of Moshe must be buried. Trumpets are a dialogue with the Jewish people. Communication differs in each generation. Black clothing. Michlalah student, Esther Sandler. Every generation must have rabbis with different abilities & characteristics. R' Kook & the Rav: Meaning of: Elokai ad shelo notzarti… & dor dor vedorshav. The Rav learned baseball. Fabrengen in Yiddish via satellite. Why R' Kahaneman refused a Knesset seat. Issue of serving in IDF. Why Roshei Yeshivah who said death is preferable to army are worse than extremely wrong. The IDF is much different than when they were young. Much more Torah. Description of the differences between IDF now & then. There are sometimes two different hashgachot on the kitchen. Gerrer chasid who graduated as MD from Technion.

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