R' Menashe Klein in Mishneh Halachot 13:166-8: Divulging a Pegam פגם of Someone Where There is no Halakhic Violation That Will Result from the Existence of the Pegam and Marriage is Involved

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November 17 2024
1h 40min 44s


R' Essas. Mishneh Halachot 13:166: Take intermarried & assimilated Jews out of USSR first. They were vulnerable. 13:167: Preferred destination is Israel. A proper environment is crucial. The kippah. Charedi world feels they need a ghetto. Short overview of Russian Jews in Israel. Mikvaot in US pre-1945. R' Chaim Noble. There are almost no apikorsim today. We don't need an army?!!! General view of a couple marrying each other where there is a פגם. Yevamot 45a on problem of marrying a kosher child whose father was a gentile. Rebbe's daughter marries a Litvak's son. R' Lau's role model for his marriage. A kosher woman whom a kohen should nevertheless not marry. Person should not divulge his status unless a halakhic violation will result. The shul in Maplewood. Kidushin 69a: Ten יוחסין went up from Bavel. Ezra worked out their statuses in Bavel. Rabbis & "rabbis" in the US during R' Jacob Joseph's period of history. Trial quasi-marriages. Kidushin 76b: In Lishkat haGazit the status of Kohanim & Levi'im was determined & then no further checking was done. Shmaya & Avtalyon. The division of Mo'atzah haDatit that determines status of Russian olim. Person does not divulge his own פגם.

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