Einayim L'Torah Parshas Behar – Bechukotai 5766. "Pain equals Gain"

May 07 2006
In its own way, a full set of Talmud Bavlis represents one of the most imposing symbols of Jewish practice. The obligation it represents, to endeavor to master its seemingly limitless contents constitutes perhaps the most daunting challenge presented anywhere in Halacha. Who has the time or mental faculties to seriously encroach such a vast and difficult expanse of information? Indeed the challenge appears so great that often we exempt ourselves of even modest exertion in its pursuit.
However, this perspective represents a fundamental misconception of what Talmud Torah is all about, a misconception pointed out by the Chofetz Chaim at the beginning of Parshas Bechukosai. The Torah lists the things Klal Yisrael must do to merit blessing from Hashem. The first is, "Im bechukosai teleichu," literally translated, "If you walk in my decrees." Rashi understands this poetic turn of phrase to refer to ameylus, loosely translated as toil in the pursuit of Torah study. The Chofetz Chaim notes that we see from Rashi that what Hashem desires, as much as our success in Torah study, is the physical, mental, and emotional expenditure we put into it. It doesn't matter if that toil results in a page or a paragraph or a line. As long as we put in the effort, Hashem will pay us the dividends.



Einayim L'Torah Parshas Behar – Bechukotai 5766. Table Torah by Dovi Bergman

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