Jewish Heritage Tour of Italy Part 1 of 12

Ask speaker
July 02 2010
15min 24s


Shiur given on a bus in Italy. The Maharam Padova, the Rama, and the Maharshal were cousins and communicated with each other. Can one force a gentile not to sell his printed copies of the Rambam , until a Jew sells his copies? The story of the grandson of the Maharam Padova, who was king of Poland for one day, as told by Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman (see comment). Where did the name T'umim Frankel come from (see comment)? Was it proper for the Rama to give a shiur between mincha and maariv, and delay women from going to the mikvah before sundown? Does halacha still hold from the concept of spontaneous generation even after Louis Pasteur disproved it.

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    1. Title: Is the story true?
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : David Arbesfeld &##44;

      <p>I spoke with Dr Shneur Leiman, and asked him if the story of the Jewish king of Poland was true. He said that there is no historical evidence for this. He thinks that Meir Balaban wrote, in German, an article on this, stating that there is no evidence&nbsp; that a Jew was king of Poland for one night. Dr Leiman further stated that the story of the five sets of twins is well known, but that there is no evidence to this story either.(David Arbesfeld)</p>

    Learning on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah site is sponsored today by Alan and Fran Broder to commemorate the yahrzeit of their great-grandmother, Frieda Greenspon, Frieda bas Binyamin, a"h and by Dr. Michael and Yael Buckstein l'ilui nishmas Raizel Shayna bas Meir Mendel and Yisrael Zvi ben Zev