One must answer amen to the brachos of chazaras hashatz. One must not say a amen chatufa or amen yesoma especially on Rosh Hashana. Is it propper to blow shofar during the silent amida? Is the mitzva of blowing shofar while saying the blessings of malchios, zichronos and shofros biblical? When was the gezeira of not blowing on shabos instituted? How do kohanim wash their hands on Yom Kipur before they duchan? The minhagim in yeshivas in Lithuania was not like the Chofetz Chaim. Why does one eat the head of an animal on Rosh Hashana? Why one would get married at the begining of the month. When and where in Israel were two days of Rosh Hashana observed? Who was Rabbi Eliezer Hakalir?
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