When did the minhag begin to recite Shir Hamaalos between Yishtabach and Yotzer Ohr? Who has this minhag and who does not(YU), and why? Why is there a minhag to go to mikve on erev yom kippur? What of the takana of Ezra, was abolished, regarding a baal keri needing to go to mikve? When is one not permited to eat kosher bread baked in a commercial non-jewish bakery(pas paltar)? When is bishul akum prohibited? Why was the minhag in Vilna , not to go to mikve, before 11:00AM, on erev yom kippur? When did the minhag to say kol nidrei begin? Why do we blow the shofar after yom kippur? Yom kippur needs excess kavod. Why we lain by mincha on yom kippur. Multiple stories of Rabbi Yisroel Zev Gustman as told by Dr Robert Aumann.
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