- Rabbi Jesse Horn
- Date:
- Duration: 51 min
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Author: Rabbi Hanan Balk
Rabbi Horn, May I please ask you if you have a source for the story about Rav Moshe taking out the trash. I told this story in my shul for a Rosh Hashana D'rasha over 20 years ago, but the source I saw, which I believe was in Plishkin's Love Thy Neighbor, told it about Rav Katz, the Rosh Yeshiva in Telshe and not Rav Moshe. Additionally, the punch line as I recall it was something of this sort: "You said it was beneath your dignity to take out the trash for your wife, but it is not beneath my dignity to do that chesed." Can you please clarify? Sincerely, Hanan Balk Cincinnati