- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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Shimshon was righteous. Is it propper to convert a gentile, who accepts mitzvos, but who is motivated by marriage? Is it permissible to violate a cardinal sin to avoid torture? Which laws of pekuach nefashos are suspended during a war? What is the difference between killing oneself, and between killing another person? When does one apply the rule of kam lei bediraba menei? Is it permitted to die, instead of violate a non-cardinal sin? In what situation is a soldier permitted to commit suicide? Can one pray that a sick person die? Why did King David kill the ger Amalekie? When are gentiles considered adults? How was one mekadesh a women before matan torah? Chumash:Shemini- when is one not permitted to touch a tamei animal?
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