- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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Is hefker produce tevel? If one plants in a hefker field, is the produce tevel? When does one apply the principle of an uman koneh b'shevach keli? With what money did the beis hamikdash pay its workers? Why does a student have to perform work on behalf of his rebbi? Which additional mitzvos were each of the three avos given? Were all 613 mitzvos given on Sinai? How do gentiles get divorced? Does a tzadik die on his birthday, or on the anniversary of his bris? Before matan torah, was mikvah needed for conversion? What blemishes disqualify a Levite from working in the mishkan(midbar) and in the beis hamikdash? Chumash: Emor- one must honor a kohen, and one must prevent a kohen from violating priestly prohibitions.
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