- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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The first mishna in the second perek deals with the general laws of menachot. When is a husband obligated to pay for his wife's karbanot? Is one obligated to violate the laws of shabbos to save the life of a person who violates cardinal sins? What is the difference between yichud and steira? When does a mincha become kedushas guf lamizbeach? Should the kohen or the owner, place the mincha in the klei shareis? Why do we face east when praying in America? What is a blemmish for a kohen and for a levite? What is a blemmish for a animal and for a bird? Where can a yisrael walk in the temple? Where is the mincha of a sotah placed? Chumash:Shelach- what color is techelet?
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