Ten Minute Halacha - Newspaper on Shabbos

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June 16 2011
11min 48s

Series: Ten Minute Halacha

Venue: Yeshivat Lev Shlomo (Woodmere, NY) Yeshivat Lev Shlomo (Woodmere, NY)


Collections: R' Lebowitz Ten Minute Halacha: Shabbos Prohibitions

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    1. Title: Keep it in your house!
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Chaim Simons &##44;

      <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left; line-height: normal; margin: 0cm 0cm 10pt;" align="left"><span style="color: black; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-language: EN-GB;"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">The following point should be noted for Yom Tov regarding newspapers. Should a&nbsp;<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp;</span>newspaper (and according to some opinions, even that day&rsquo;s newspaper) arrive at one&rsquo;s house on Yom Tov (in a permitted manner!) and it was in a location outside the techum at the start of Yom Tov, one would be forbidden to carry it outside the eruv. (see: Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>515:9; Piskei Teshivos, volume 5, pages 404-05)</span></span></span></p>

    2. Title: Please see the Maharam Shik inside!
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : ike sultan &##44;

      <p>While I enjoyed this shiur very much and it is very informative regarding the various issues about having a newspaper printed and delivered on Shabbat as well as reading it on Shabbat, I would urge the listener to see the Maharam Shik OC 324 inside who actually writes that there is <strong>no</strong> leniency based on the fact that majority of subscribered are non-Jews and not as Rabbi Lebowitz Shlita by accident quoted him as saying that this was a leniency.</p>

    3. Title: One other Teshuva of the Maharam Shik
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : ike sultan &##44;

      <p>See also Maharam Shik OC 123 who at the end seems to say that there would be a leinency based on a combination of the Chovot Yair and majority Nochrim, but concludes ruling strictly, just like he does in OC 324.</p>

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