Lecture given on a bus in Spain. The Rabeinu Yonah is discussed.The daughter of the Rabeinu Yonah married the son of the Ramban. Until when can one pray mincha according to the Rabeinu Tam? If one comes late to shule, should he start with barchu with the chazan? What is the problem with buying honey from a gentile? Does Hashem have a body? Were the stories of the donkey talking, Yaakov fighting with an angel, the sun stopping,dreams , or did they occur? Why did the Rabeinu Yonah write the Sharei Teshuva? Why were Jews not wearing tefilin daily in his generation? Is sturgeon kosher? Why is amen recited after the third bracha of birchat hamazon? Saying El Melech Ne'eman before Shema. The Ramban argues with the Rambam in the counting of taryag
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