- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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The mincha of the sotah. All sacrifices require salt. What is the difference between kadshei kadshim and kadshei kalim? What is the difference between a klal and prat versus a re'bui and mi'ut? What are the four avodas with blood and with a mincha? Where is the mizbeiach located in the temple? When does a sacrifice become kedushas damim lamizbeiach versus kedushas guf lamizbeiach? Is the knife a klei shareis? Can one place a kevitil in the kotel? When can kohanim and ba'alim eat a karbon? Do kohanim need salt on their portion? Which sacrifices have different levels based on a person's wealth? When are we doreish the reason of a mitzvah? Chumash-Ki Tavo: the curses are read before Rosh Hashana and before Shavuos. What are their differences?
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