We will analyze Rashi's comment on Rov & Karov as principles derived respectively from verses in the Torah. Were it not for Rashi we could have learned that these principles are derived from Svara & Svara indeed produces a Torah law. By attributing Karov to a verse in the Torah, Rashi upgrades Karov to the level that it can contend against Rov. Rav Zeira opines that a Karov similar to that of Egla Arufa defeats Rov. Thus if we find a barrel of wine near a non-Jewish city, the wine is prohibited. Tos' calls this as a Kirva DeMuchach. Rav Chanina maintains that Rov beats Karov even in the perfect Karov. Tos' Rid adds that even when Rov disqualifies the closest city from Egla Arufa, nevertheless the city with Rov doesn't bring the Egla.
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