Why is kli sheini, not mevashel? What is the issur of eating fowl cooked in milk? Why should one attribute a saying, to a particular person? How much time is needed between eating meat after dairy, and between eating dairy after meat? Is there an issue in taking non-kosher medication? Is there a problem in eating meat after dairy, in the same meal? When is someone who is machmir, considered a fool? Is there ever a reason to be machmir for a minhag, more than for a din dirabbonan? Why would an oath taken by previous generations, apply to us today? Does a newlywed require hataras nedarim to change her minhagim?
Chumash-Vayigash- Why did Yaakov fear to go down to Egypt? Where is there geula in sefer shemos? Is Hashem with us in galus today?
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