Questions and Answers

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February 11 2013
1h 13min 16s

Venue: Yeshivat Lev HaTorah Yeshivat Lev HaTorah


Collections: Rabbi Schachter: QA


Topics discussed include: How Rav Schachter became a rebbe in YU, The Rav's obsession with teaching, The Rav's influence on the America Torah scene, Wearing tztzis out, Kol isha, natural looking sheitels, giving tochahcha, choosing a parnasah, tinok she'nishba bezman hazeh

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    1. Title: Clarification: Sefer Hadras Ponim Zokon
      Author: Moshe Wolfson

      <p>Rav Schachter, shlita, mentions that he related to Rav Schwab zt'l that the author of sefer Hadras Ponim Zokon (regarding the halachos of the beard) learned in the Lubavitcher Yeshiva in Montreal and as a single bochur authored a another sefer prohibiting the wearing of a sheitel by women.</p> <p>Allow me to offer the following clarifications:</p> <p>1) The author of sefer Hadras Ponim Zokon never learned in the Lubavitcher Yeshiva in Montreal. He was a talmid of the Mirrer Yeshiva in Brooklyn.</p> <p>2) The author of sefer Hadras Ponim Zokon did write a sefer regarding the halachos of tznius called sefer Kvuda Bas Melech. Rather than prohibiting the wearing of sheitels by women, sefer Kvuda Bas Melech forcefully supports the wearing of sheitels by women and argues that a sheitel is preferable over a tichel or hat.</p> <p>3) When sefer Kvuda Bas Melech was written, the author was not a single bochur. He was married at the time and the sefer even includes a dedication in honor of his son.</p> <p>4) It is worthwhile seeing the very respectful way Rav Pesach E. Falk refers to the sefer Kvuda Bas Melech in the first page of his introduction to his sefer "L'vusha Shel Torah" (the "mekoros" for his famous sefer "Oz V'Hadrar L'vusha).</p> <p>Please convey these clarification to Rav Schachter, shlita.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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