- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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Why does one strand of linen in a wool garment create shatnez, while one drop of milk in a pot of meat does not create basar b'chalav? What is the difference between a mixture yavesh b'yavesh versus lach b'lach? Is min b'mino batel? Is ta'am k'ikar biblical? What does the gemara mean when it says that basar bechalav becomes a neveila? Can one dilute the milk out of a piece of meat to be mevatel in 60? Can one remove the milk from meat ? If a distal fracture creates a treifa, can one remove the leg proximally to un-treif the animal? Why is bishul akum assur? Does it need shishim, hag'allah? Chumash:Ki Tisa- How did Israel sin with the golden calf, after seeing all the miracles etc? Is there a mitzvah to remember the sin of the golden calf?
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