Shabbos 34 - Mashkin Shezavu Part 2

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October 23 2013
1h 12min 7s

Series: Daily Shiur

Venue: YU Wilf Campus YU Wilf Campus


Collections: Rabbi Sobolofsky: Shabbos 2013

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    1. Title: משקין שזבו
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Yosef Penner &##44;

      Hi Rabbi Sobolofsky, I've been learning הלכות שבת this year and listening to Rebbe's shiurim on YUTorah and I had a question and a הערה regarding the סוגיא of משקין שזבו if Rebbe has a chance to be thrown back into an old סוגיא. 1. Rebbe assumed that the רמ’’א is מחמיר for שיטת רבינו ברוך regarding פשטיד’’א, both in terms of the issue of מוליד, as well as נולד. Rebbe therefore wanted to be מחמיר regarding making ice on שבת (as well as a couple of other נ’’מ's. I noticed that the משנה ברורה – סימן שיח assumes that the רמ’’א is only מחמיר לכתחילה when it comes to פשטיד’’א. Considering that the entire issue of נולד only comes up בדיעבד, isn't it clear that he assumes that the only issue that the רמ’’א is חושש for is מוליד, not נולד? 2. Rebbe asked that the מ’’ב בשם הפרי’’מ is מחמיר that even is משקין שזבו are נולד בתערובת, there is still a requirement for ששים (even if we ignore the issue of דשי’’מ), but it is unclear why he ignores the issue of מילתא דעבידא לטעמא. The פרי’’מ – יו’’ד – סימן קב – ס’’ק ב, however, assumes that the היתר of נולד בתערובת applies to all דברים חשובים, not only to דשי’’מ. Could we explain that he assumes that it applies to מילתא דעבידא לטעמא, as well, in line with the ש’’ך – סימן צח, who assumes that מילתא דעבידא לטעמא is only דרבנן? Thank you for taking a look. -Yosef Penner

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