- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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What is the status of kosher milk, in the stomach of a non kosher animal? Is there a biblical prohibition in eating a non kosher item, that is no longer edible? Can one eat cheese produced by a gentile, without rabbinical supervision? What is the reason for the prohibition of geveinas akum? Does powdered milk need to be chalav yisrael? Is davar hama'amid assur biblically? Can a blessing from a tzadik help one become a talmid chacham? Do emulsifiers and preservatives require rabbinic supervision? If one slaughters a treifa, what is accomplished? Chumash: Mikeitz- How was Yosef permitted to shave prior to meeting Pharaoh, if that day was Rosh Hashana? When there is a conflict between a midus chasidus and a din, one fulfills the din.
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