- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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Is shemita biblically observed today? Is there a bracha in the sixth year today? Are the produce of shemitah, hefker, on their own? Does one need to be mafrish, shemita produce, purchased from a gentile's field? Why is one prohibited from being mafrish, not from mukaf? Which two exceptions are there regarding davar she'bihafla'ah, that don't require speech? Which parts of chutz la'aretz require hafrasha of terumah, and have an issur of chadash? Which produce requires hafrasha biblically? Does the rabbanut mafrish exported produce? Should one be lenient because of hefsed meruba of a gentile's produce? Is animal pain mutar when done for human benefit? Chumash-Vayikra: How does teshuva on Yom Kipur differ from a weekday teshuva on a karbon?
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