What different types of chazaka are there? When can one assume that a sheliach performed his sheleichus? Why are only the lungs examined? Does one violate the shabbos even for a remote sakanah? Can one person's fear, force another person to violate the shabbos? What is the source, permitting violating the shabbos for pikuach nefashos? Is every last minute on earth holy? Is safek deoraisa lechumra, rabbinic or biblical? What is a reshus harabim by sotah? What is meant by hilchassa gemiri lah? Who requires a ma'ayan for tevilah? How can a weasel defile the water, prior to sprinkling on a tamei?
Chumash: Behar- What is the nature of the requirement to pay taxes in Israel and abroad, and why is that requirement applicable today?
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